NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

Vol. 43 Nos. 1 & 2 Spring and Fall 2018
Special Issue:
The Materiality of Japanese Religions
Guest Editor: Jørn Borup & Fabio Rambelli
Jørn Borup & Fabio Rambelli: Introduction: The Materiality of Japanese Religions
Chun Wa Chan: The Concept of Zushi; On Enshrinement and Mobility of Buddhist Art in Japan
Julia Heather Cross: The Hokkeji Nuns, Relic Worship, and Theft in Medieval Japan
Chihiro Saka: The Functions of Cloth in Datsueba Worship
Melissa Anne-Marie Curley: Dead Matter and Living Memory: Three Ways of Looking at the Higashi Honganji Hair Ropes
Paride Stortini: Materializing Buddhist Memories: Objects and Images of the Silk Road in Hirayama Ikuo and Yakushiji temple.
Ksenia Golovina: Daruma Meets Domovoi and Then Some Yoga: Russians in Japan and the Religious-Spiritual Materiality of Migrant Living
Melinda Papp: Creating a ritual: objects, goods and services in Japanese childhood celebrations
Hannah Gould: Caring for sacred waste: The disposal of butsudan (Buddhist altars) in contemporary Japan
Iwata Mami 岩田真美 and Kirihara Kenshin 桐原建真, eds. Kami to hotoke no bakumatsu Ishin: Kōsaku suru shūkyō sekai.カミとホトケの幕末維新:交錯する宗教世界 (Micah Auerback)
Vol. 42 Nos. 1 & 2 Spring and Fall 2017
Special Issue:
"Facets of Shinto in the Muromachi Period"
Guest Editor: Fabio Rambelli
Fabio Rambelli: Introduction: Facets of "Shinto" in the Muromachi Period
Itō Satoshi (Trans. By Lindsey E. DeWitt): "Shintō" in the Muromachi Period
Uejima Susumu (Trans. By Lindsey E. DeWitt): Kami and Buddhism in the Nō Miwa: Rethinking the Study of the Amalgamation of Kami and Buddhas (shinbutsu shūgō)
Gaétan Rappo: The Dragon and the Ritual Master: Seiryō Gongen during the Times of the Daigoji Monk Manzei (1378-1435)
Kadoya Atsushi (Trans. By Lindsey E. DeWitt): On a Kami Image in the Reikiki 麗気記"Shintaizu" 神体図 Section
John Breen: "Lies, and Yet More Lies! ": Fukansai Habian’s "On Shinto"
Fabio Rambelli: Shinto as a "World Religion": A Muromachi Construct and Its Aftermath
Article Translation
Yamada Yuji (Trans. By Peter Knecht): How Deities (Kami) and Buddhas (hotoke) Relate to Defilement and Impurity
Murakami Aki, Fusha no iru nichijō: Tsugaru no kamisama kara toshin no supirichuaru serapisuto made 〔Shamans in Daily Life: From Tsugaru’s Kamisama to the Urban Spiritual Therapists〕
(Ioannis Gaitanidisi)
Nagaoka Takashi, Shinshūkyō to sōryokusen: kyōso igo o ikiru (New Religions and Total War: Life after the Death of Founder) (Avery Morrow)
Vol. 41 Nos. 1 & 2 Spring and Fall 2016
Okamoto Yoshiko: An Asian Religion Conference Imagined: Okakura Kakuzō, Oda Tokunō, Swami Vivekananda and Unwoven Religious Ties in Early Twentieth-Century Asia
Iwata Mami: Takanawa Bukkyō University and the International Buddhist Young Men’s Association: International Networks at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Ohmi Toshihiro: Modern Buddhism and Reading Culture: The Case of Akegarasu Haya
Review Essay
Victoria R. Montrose: Report on the "Asian Buddhism: Plural Colonialisms and Plural Modernities"
Article Translation
Takezawa Shōichirō : (Trans. by Peter Knecht)On Possession Religion: From Shamanism to Founders of New Religions
Krämer, Hans Martin, Shimaji Mokurai and the Reconception of Religion and the Secular in Modern Japan (Paride Stortini)
Barbara R. Ambros, Women in Japanese Religions (Christian M. Hermansen)
Kiri Paramore, Japanese Confucianism – A Cultural History (Paulus Kaufmann)
Shijō Chie, Urakami no genbaku no katari: Nagai Takashi kara Rōma kyōkō e〔The Narration of the Atomic Bomb in Urakami: From Nagai Takashi to the Pope〕 (Gwyn McClelland)
Helen Hardacre, Shinto: A History (Avery Morrow)
Steven Trenson, Kiu - Hōshu - Ryū: Chūsei Shingon mikkyō no shinsō 〔Rainmaking, Jewels, and Dragons: The Essence of Medieval Shingon Esoteric Buddhism〕 (Gaetan Rappo)
Vol. 40 Nos. 1 & 2 Spring and Fall 2015
Satoshi Itō (Trans. by Peter Knecht): Assimilation of Buddhas and Deities (kami): The Formation of the honji-suijaku Theory
Naoko Frances Hioki: Deconstructing Maria Kannon: A New Look at the Marian Image for Urakami Crypto-Christians, ca. 1860
Iwano Yūsuke: Understanding the Spiritual Soul and Dualism in Uchimura Kanzō
Naoko Hirano: The Birth of Reiki and Psycho-spiritual Therapy in 1920’s-1930’s Japan: The Influence of "American Metaphysical Religion"
Jørn Borup: Propagation, Accommodation and Negotiating Social Capital: Jōdo Shinshū Responses to Contemporary Crises
Review Essay
Victoria R. Montrose: Universities and Religion in Modern Japan [近代日本の大学と宗教]
Vol. 39 No. 1 & 2 ·Spring and Fall 2014
Special Issue:
The Politics of Buddhist Studies in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
Guest Editor: Orion Klautau
Jason Ananda Josephson: "The Politics of Buddhist Studies in Early Twentieth-Century Japan": An Introduction
Hayashi Makoto: The Birth of Buddhist Universities
Jolyon Baraka Thomas: Free Inquiry and Japanese Buddhist Studies: The Case of Kato Totsudo (1870-1949)
Orion Klautau: Nationalizing the Dharma: Takakusu Junjiro and the Politics of Buddhist Scholarship in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
Bryan D. Lowe: States of "State Buddhism": History, Religion, and Politics in Late Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Scholarship
Jeff Schroeder: Empirical and Esoteric: The Birth of Shin Buddhist Studies as a Modern Academic Discipline
Review Essay
Omi Toshihiro (Trans. by Jeff Schroeder)Twenty-First Century Research on Seishinshugi
Nakanishi Naoki, Shokuminchi chosen to nihon bukkyo [Colonial Korea and Japanese Buddhism] (Hwansoo I. Kim)
Shinbori Kanno, Kindai bukkyo kyodan to goeika [Modern Buddhist Institutions and Goeika] (Dylan Luers Toda)
Orion Klautau, Kindai nihon shiso to shite no bukkyo shigaku [The Study of Buddhist History as Modern Japanese Thought] (Galen Amstutz)
Otani Eiichi, Kindai bukkyo to iu shiza: Senso, ajia, shakaishugi [The Perspective of Modern Buddhism: War, Asia, Socialism] (James Mark Shields)
Sueki Fumihiko, Hayashi Makoto, Yoshinaga Shin'ichi, and Otani Eiichi, eds. Budda no henbo: Kosaku suru kindai bukkyo [Transformations of the Buddha: Crisscrossing Streams of Modern Buddhism] (Jacqueline I. Stone)
Vol. 38 No. 1 & 2 ·Spring and Fall 2013
Special Issue:
In Memory of Professor YUKI Hideo (1926-2012)
Notto R. Thelle: Yuki Hideo - Colleague and Friend
Amaya Tadao: Yuki Hideo - Colleague and Frie
Martin Repp: In Memoriam YUKI Hideo (1926-2012)
Yuki Hideo: The Emperor of Japan - Symbol and Reality
Yuki Hideo: Problems with the Revision to the Religious Corporations Law
Yuki Hideo: Questions from Aum - Question to Aum
Yuki Hideo: The Future of the Christian School - Is Christianity a Marketable Commodity?
Yuki Hideo: Dialogue in Religions
Yuki Hideo: Joint Worship Among Religions
Yuki Hideo: The Spaceship is Breaking Up - On Interreligious Prayer and Interreligious Cooperation
Yuki Hideo: Christianity and Japanese Culture - Two Interviews with
Tobias EckerterOne year in Manpuku-ji - The Monastery of the Ten Thousand Blessings
Book Reviews
Haruko Wakabayashi, The Seven Tengu Scrolls - Evil and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy in Medieval Japanese Buddhism (Martin Repp)
Paula Arai, Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Heart of Japanese Women's Rituals (Naoko Kobayashi)
Kiri Paramore, Ideology and Christianity in Japan (Martin Repp)
Yuki Miyamoto, Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: Commemoration, Religion, and Responsibility after Hiroshima (Ugo Dessi)
James Mark Shields, Critical Buddhism: Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought (Micah Auerback)
Muto Kazuo, Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness - Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue from the Kyoto School (Notto Thelle)
Vol. 37 No. 1 & 2 ·Spring and Fall 2012
Christoph Kleine and Katja Triplett: Introduction to "Religion and Healing in Japan"
Christoph Kleine: Buddhist Monks as Healers in Early and Medieval Japan
Paul Groner: Extreme Asceticism, Medicine and Pure Land Faith in the Life of Shuichi Muno (1683-1719)
Katja Triplett: Magical Medicine? - Japanese Buddhist Medical Knowledge and Ritual Instruction for Healing the Physical Body
Juhn Ahn: Worms, Germs, and Technologies of the Self - Religions, Sword Fighting, and Medicine in Early Modern Japan
Justin Stein: The Japanese New Religious Practices of jorei and okiyome in the Context of Asian Spiritual Healing Traditions
Damien Keown: Japanese Religions, Inclusivism, and the Global Context
Vol. 36 No. 1 & 2 ·Spring and Fall 2011
Klaus Antoni: Creating a Sacred Narrative -Kojiki Studies and Shinto Nationalism
Christopher A. Reichl: JThe Globalization of a Japanese New Religion -Ethnohistory of Seicho no Ie
Ugo Dessi: Japanese Religions, Inclusivism, and the Global Context
James M. Hommes: Guido F. Verbeck -A "Living Epistle" in Bakumatsu Meiji Japan
Michael Como,Weaving and Binding -Immigrant Gods and Female Immortals in Ancient Japan (Patricia Yamada)
Karen Gerhart, The Material Culture of Death in Medieval Japan (Hillary Pedersen)
Carol Richmond Tsang, War and Faith -Ikko Ikki in Late Muromachi Japan (Martin Repp)
Ugo Dessi (ed.), The Social Dimension of Shin Buddhism (Jessie Starling)