NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

NCC News
NCC News
The NCC news, a platform for scholars and students in the field to catch up with current academic conversations, discuss their research and share experiences related to the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions.

Call for Papers
Japanese Religions invites contribution from scholars exploring the intersection between Christianity and Japanese religions from multiple methodological and theoretical perspectives. This issue will prioritize submissions that analyze these traditions through innovative, interdisciplinary lenses that do not treat Christianity and Japanese Religions as distinct entities.”
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The new issue of Japanese Religions is now out!
Volume 46(1) is a special issue on “The Body Religious in Japan,” edited by Or Porath, Tel-Aviv University, and features six research articles and four book reviews As with all our content, it is available fully Open Access.
The issue is also available on Amazon
NCC News
The NCC news, a platform for scholars and students in the field to catch up with current academic conversations, discuss their research and share experiences related to the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions.

Begin of the Interreligious Study Japan Program(ISJP) Fall 2024
We're very happy to welcome the new participants of the ISJP program at the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions! Over the next four months, we look forward to diving deep into the study of Japan’s rich religious traditions together.

Announcement: Talk by Notto r. Thelle, former Director of the NCC.
The Former Director of NCC, Notto R. Thelle, will be visiting Tokushoji to give a talk about the pilgrimage routes of Bashô, Issa, Ryôkan, and Santôka. The four famous itinerant poets cover four centuries and belong to the same literary and cultural traditions but created their own unique poetic landscapes.
Thelle’s research delves into the intersections of Buddhism and Christianity in Japan, and he has authored several books and articles on contemporary religious trends including many of them published in the NCC journal Japanese Religions.
For anyone interested in this event please fully the registration guideines on the flyer.

70th edition of the Conference for Religion in Modern Society (CORMOS)
Miyasho Tetsuo, the former Director of the NCC Study Center, gave a talk on the history of the NCC Study Center at the 70th edition of the CORMOS. CORMOS was originally established by the NCC Study Center’s director Doi Masatoshi back in 1971. This year, the overall theme of the conference was “Religion and the Future,” and Miyasho talked the rich history of the NCC Study Center and offered glimpses into what challenges lies ahead, not just for the Study Center but for the broader landscape of Interreligious Dialogue in general.
A summery of Miyasho's talk on the history of the NCC Study Center can also be found in the recent published book on CORMOS' history: 宗教を問う、宗教は問う : 氣多 雅子, 島薗 進, 金澤 豊, 小林 敬: Japanese Books

Lunching NCC Theology Book Club
Launching the NCC Theology Book Club. The book club is a meetup group that gathers online every final Friday each month to discuss books and articles about religion and spirituality written in English. You’re welcome to join us from anywhere! please send a mail to
「NCC神学英語読書会」を発足。NCC読書会は、神学、宗教とスピリチュアリティに関する英語の本や論文についてオンラインで交流する会です。読書会はZoomで参加できます。japanesereligions@gmail までメールをお送りください.
Read more (NCC Facebook page)

Conclusion of the 2023 ISJP Program
The NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions bid farewell to the participants of this year's International Study Japan Program (ISJP) as the curtains closed on learningfull three-month stay. From fieldtrips to Koyasan, Nishihongan-ji, Omoto-Kyo, and Tenri to engaging interreligious dialogues with Buddhist students from Ryukoku University and Otani University, the program was a dynamic exploration of Japanese culture and spirituality.
As the program concluded, the landscape mirrored the transition of seasons, with the brilliant red leaves of maple trees gracefully surrendering their color. 🍂🍂
The NCC Study Center for Japanese Religions expressed heartfelt gratitude to the students for their active participation, deeming this year's program deserving of an A+. The organization extended best wishes to the participants for their future endeavors and expressed hopes of welcoming them back to Japan someday.
The 2023 ISJP not only marked the end of a transformative journey but also forged lasting connections and memories for the students who immersed themselves in the rich tapestry of Japanese religious and cultural experiences. Until we meet again!

Visit from Berliner Missionswerk.
Last Week four delegates from the Berliner Missionswerk were welcomed at the NCC Center by Director Iwano-sensei and the 6 ISJP students. Here they got the chance to engage in a long and profound discussion of the future of mission and religious dialogue in Japan. The meeting was educational for everyone involved and both parts were very engaging an asked all the right questions.
Following the meetings with the students, the delegates and the NCC directorship went to a nearby café sharing their experiences on how to continue the international collaboration between the churches in Japan and Germany before the delegates made their way north to see Kinkakuji.
The NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religion takes great pride in fostering strong ecclesiastical relationships and is eager to sustain and further our efforts in collaborating with Berliner Missionswerk and the NCC in the future. 🤝

Visit from Tübingen University and Nichibunken.
Yesterday, Dr. Birgit Staemler, Professor at Tübingen University and coordinator of the ISJP program in Germany, and Dr. Daniel Schley, visiting scholar at Nichibunken, met with the NCC director and the ISJP students.
They had a very positive discussion covering the common challenges of the ISJP program.

Welcome to our FALL 2023 ISJP Participants! 🍂 🌟
We're excited to present our 6 new participants of this years ISJP Program.
The students will in the next semester be participating in an intense but also fulfilling Interreligious program aiming at not only studying the various Japanese traditions, but also engage in dialogue with them. We're excited to have them in Kyoto and look forward to share some valuable experiences with them on their journey among Japan’s religions.

DOAM's Dr. Carola Hoffmann-Richter and Pastor Christoph Hildebrand-Ayasse visited the NCC center for a discussion on current and future challenges of Christianity in Japan
Last week, DOAM (Deutsche Ostasienmission, German East Asia Mission) representatives Dr. Carola Hoffmann-Richter and Pastor Christoph Hildebrandt-Ayasse visited the NCC Center in Kyoto. We had a very positive discussion covering the common challenges related to the Christian Church both in Germany and in Japan, and also touched upon other important topics such as feminism in today’s Japan.

Japanese Religions Vol. 45: In Memory of Yoshinaga Shin'ichi (1957-2022)
The new issue of Japanese Religions - no. 45 - is a special issue dedicated to the work of Yoshinaga Shin'ichi (1957-2022).
The many contributions fall within the fields that Prof. Yoshinaga has worked in during his long career and contains articles that reflects on his scholarly legacy. The contributors are Ioannis Gaitanidis, Omi Toshihiro, Justin Stein, Paul Guillory, Philip Deslippe and Ben Dorman.
The issue is available as a paperback on amazon:
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EMS General Secretary Dr. Dieter Heidtmann and Asia Liaison Officer Solomon Benjamin visited the NCC Study Center's new Facillties
During their East-Asia trip the EMS General Secretary Dr. Dieter Heidtmann and Asia Liaison Officer Solomon Benjamin found time in their busy schedule to visit the NCC Study Center’s new locations in Nijo. The EMS has been supporting the NCC’s ISJP program for many years and during the meeting the future of the program and the cooperation between EMS and NCC was discussed.

Call for Papers: In Memory of Yoshinaga Shin'ichi (1957-2022)
In honour of the accomplishments of Professor Yoshinaga, the NCC Institute is planning to publish a special issue of Japanese Religions dedicated to the work of Professor Yoshinaga within the field of Japanese religious studies. We welcome contributions in any area of Professor Yoshinaga’s published resarch interest.
For more information please click here