NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions
Series Presentation
Japanese Religions
Esben Petersen
Paride Stortini
Hillary Pedersen
The journal Japanese Religion (JR) publishes research-based articles as well as reviews and review articles on Japanese religions. JR covers Japanese religions in all forms, at all times and from all places. JR has a particular ambition to publish articles that develop the field of Japanese religious studies as grounded in multi-disciplined research.
Articles on or involving sociology, psychology, philosophy, semiotics, cognitive sciences, etc. are therefore published. JR for the moment publishes one issues per year, an issue contains a minimum of five articles. Periodically, the articles are grouped around a particular theme. The articles in JR are peer-reviewed.
JR is part of the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions. The language of the journal mostly in English. A few articles may be in other European languages. Suggestions for articles and reviews as well as manuscripts are welcome. All issues of JR are available via online.
All articles will be peer-reviewed according to standards set by “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and the “Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers” provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (cope).
The peer-review, which will be conducted by at least one professional outside the editorial team, will assess the manuscript on both professional and formal criteria, including language and adherence to technical guidelines.
The reviewer recommends to the editorial board whether the manuscript can be published with few or no changes, whether it can be published subject to major changes, or whether the manuscript should not be published. Reviews and shorter submissions will normally only be edited by the editorial team.
NCC宗教研究 ニュース
Iwano Yusuke
Esben Petersen
A Japanese-language journal documenting the annual research activities of the NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions. This in-house publication includes reports on events and visits. The newsletter is published twice annually and is available online and in print.