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NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions
JR 13 / 1
Ancestor Veneration and Christianity
Doi Masatoshi: 1.
Shibata Chizuo: 35-48.
Jan-Martin Berentsen: 2-27.
Notto R. Thelle: 49-70.
Clark B. Offner: 28-34.
Fredrik Spier: 72-73.
JR 13 / 2
Remembering the Dead
Robert M. Fukada: 1-10.
Gorai Shigeru: 26-32.
Jan Swyngedouw: 11-18.
Notto R. Thelle: 33-41.
Beverley D. Tucker: 19-25.
Fredrik Spier; Notto R. Thelle; Max Burkolter: 42-73
JR 13 / 3
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and the Kyoto School of Philosophy
Donald W. Mitchell: 2-26.
Nobuhara Tokiyuki: 57-68.
Roald R. Kristiansen: 27-46.
Håkan Eilert: 69-81.
Notto R. Thelle: 47-56.
Fredrik Spier: 59-66.
JR 13 / 4
Open Issue
Fredrik Spier: 3-15.
D.C. Lewis: 47-58.
Notto R. Thelle: 16-23.
Ian Reader; Håkan Eilert: 59-66.
Ernest D. Piryns: 24-46.
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